
Questions For Jesus

Self Study e-Course

Course Type




Time Commitment

1 hr per week



Deepen Your relationship with God in a more meaningful way

This course is an experiential guide to developing deeper intimacy with God by asking Him questions that touch His heart and yours.

The key to this approach is changing what you ask. Most Christian prayers are about the business of the Christian life:

  • God, what is your will for my life?
  • What am I supposed to do?
  • Help me do the right thing.
  • I’m sorry for what I did.

In other words, we pray to our boss.

But here’s the secret: Jesus would much rather relate to you as friend and the lover of your soul!

This e-course will teach you how to shift from praying about what you can do for Jesus to talking about your actual relationship with Jesus.

Learn how to ask Jesus intimate relational questions

  • “Jesus, what do You like best about me today?”
  • “Jesus, how would You introduce me in heaven?”
  • “Jesus, what did I do today that made You laugh?”
  • “Jesus, what great adventure can we do together this week?”
  • “Jesus, what nicknames have You given me?”

Learn how to Invite Jesus to meet your deepest desires

Course Content

  • Praying Your Desire
  • The Heart Model
  • The #1 Obstacle to Hearing God
  • Desire in Scripture

The Five Guidelines for Praying Your Desire

  • A Good God
  • Expanding Your Prayer Vocabulary
  • Connecting With Jesus’ Heart

What people are saying

Ready to experience Deep Connection with God? Enroll in this E-Course Today!

Offering transformational Christian coach training for over 15 years.


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