God has entrusted to you a group of people to help them grow in Christ and it can feel daunting. You might be stuck wondering...

– Do I have what it takes to really help people with the immense challenges they face?

– I’m so busy… Do I have the time and energy to be an effective disciple-maker?

– How can I help others grow without them becoming overly dependent on me?

– I feel called to help others, but I need healing myself.

If you want to be a successful disciple-maker, professional coach, Christian leader or counselor, you need a proven training plan that equips you with great skills yet also fits within your busy schedule.


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The MetaFormation Training Plan can provide you the heart and skills to effectively bring spiritual growth for those looking to you for guidance.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

– How to always hear God’s voice for yourself and help others hear Him.

– Ability to build conversations that truly empower those around you so they depend wholly on God (and not you).

– To consistently guide others into transformational encounters with Jesus, especially in seasons of suffering.

– God’s leadership development strategy, where He’s far more focused on the person you’re becoming (Christ-likeness) vs. what you do.

How We're Different...

MetaFormation Training Plan

  • Distinctly Christian coach methodology where Christ is the center of the conversation
  • Adult learning approach with emphasis on modeling skills, lots of practice, and authentic relationships in small classes (max size is 12)
  • Integrate mentor coaching every step of the way so you get feedback on your coaching skills throughout the training.
  • focus on the heart (emotional brain) believing that people change from the inside => out.
  • Our certification program provides 107 hours of live, supervised training; 27 hours of mentor coaching – all at a cost of $3,600.

Other Christian Coach Programs

  • Leverages a secular coach methodology where the client is the center of the conversation
  • Emphasis on content delivery that meets secular coaching competencies, typically with larger class sizes.
  • Mentor coaching is an optional ‘add on’ at the end of your coach training.
  • Focus more on the rational brain and helping people change their behaviors.
  • Comparable certification programs with equivalent hours of instruction are $5,000+